Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Pepero Day!

And Remembrance Day. Two holidays that really couldn't be more different!

I went to Ulsan this weekend to visit Adri but also to go to Cost Co. It was AMAZING. Just like back home. We all spent way too much money though. For dinner we made (ok Adri made.. the kitchens are too small for helpers) spaghetti  bolognese and it was one of the yummiest things I've ever eaten. 

This is my walk to school. Just
figured you might like a

Second block on way to school.
Note there are no sidewalks and
at rush hour I often think I
might be smushed.

School Friday morning.

 Fun story. Koreans like to open their windows. All the time. So while it is not very cold yet, it's been around 10-15C these days, I am FREEZING at school. Students and teachers all wear their coats indoors. Teachers have smuggled space heaters under their desks. It's brutal. When I asked why this was, a coteacher told me that students like it and they like seeing their hair blow around haha. I'm thikning something was lost in translation. Anyways, I've asked around to foreigners and apparently it is a habit from the days of gas heating when they didn't want to asphyxiate. The English room does get a lot of sun luckily so sometimes it manages to warm up. On the occasion that the room is regular indoor temperature, the students will complain that they are hot. I suggest that they remove their down winter parkas. They seem to find this a horrible inconvenience haha. Anyways, here is a picture from the textbook that I thought was funny because even the cartoon students wear their coats indoors!

Korean indoor coat wearing

The lunch ladies were on strike Friday so we ordered in.
Some teachers who don't normally sit with me got to
see the shocking fact that I am capable of using chopsticks.
I was literally the only person who ate veggies from that
veggie tray. They really love their protein, rice and

Pepero Day is awesome. Because it is today (Sunday)
students celebrated on Friday. All of this was given to me!!
The one at the top in the blue bag is HOME MADE!

Nude: Chocolate is contained tightly in the biscuit.

We switch to "indoor shoes" at school. I was curious about
this before coming so for anyone else who is curious
these are the standard female model. 

These are my awesome socks.

The gingkos are a gorgeous shade of yellow
these days.

Adorable grade 3 boy in his super pouffy
down jacket: "Teacher. Do you like Angry Birds?"
Anne: "Yes."
Adorable kid: "Here!"
It was too cute. I love it. 

How will I manage to follow this complex recipe without
an English translation!

Possible the most exciting moment of my life: finding
a packet of gruyere cheese at the Cost Co. It's the real deal.

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