Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cuteness of today

  • I played Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger" for the comparative adjective lesson and kids asked me for the song title afterwards because it was so awesome. AKA I am so awesome.
  • I forgot a CD in a gr. 5 classroom yesterday so at lunch I went to get it. I normally spend lunches on the grade 6 floor. It was probably the closest I will ever come to understand what fame is like. My students SWARMED ME like no other, just to say hi. I loved it.
  • I told the adorable boy who wanted me to learn Korean my newest sentence which means "I am an English teacher." and then he replied "I am a student" in Korean. I felt so proud of myself.
  • I told my coteacher about the mailbox idea and she loves it, so I'm going to make it this weekend. I'm sure many blog updates will be inspired by letters.
  • For comparative adjective olympics, I had a "who is smarter at math" question. I wanted to see this famed math skill at work. First question was 335 / 67 = ? It took them less 5 seconds before 99% of the class had their hands raised. It. was. in. sane.

We filmed our first "Fun Fun English Broadcast." This is a 10 minute video where my coteacher and I host, showing clips and pictures and things. On the website she gave me of little clips I found a series that covers a whole bunch of nature topics, so obviously I am going to use them. The intro episode is about these two little ducks trying to figure out what kind of egg they found, so they look at all different kinds of animals laying eggs. SO I made the topic "Eggs." Here is another Egg video we used, for your viewing pleasure.

After this video I say "Cuuute" but in Korean. I think the kids will get a kick out of that. My coteacher kept laughing whenever I said it. NOT surprisingly, this video was actually originally made in Korean. I don' t know HOW I found it, but I did. My coteacher said it's because I'm a genius. I think I might have the world's biggest ego by the time I come back. I look forward to teaching all the kiddies about animals ! (PS for the record, I was among the many misinformed people who thought that evolution wasn't taught here. Turns out a few now disproved examples of evolution have been removed, such as archaeopteryx being an ancestor to modern day birds. So evolution is taught!) 

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