Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween & Teacher Dinner II

Today we had a teacher hike, followed by a teacher dinner. Unlike the last one which had only grade 6 teachers, this involved staff from the whole school. The hike was basically a flat trail alone a beautiful rocky shore of volcanic rock. It was gorgeous. Dinner was fun and was a lot of crazy sea food and the older men got quite purple in the face. I sat with some of the grade 5 teachers who were a lot more willing to speak English to me. Some older man who I was told is "chief teacher" seemed to be angry at me for something, but then I seemed to be able to appease him by drinking the soju he poured me haha.

The town by the coast was super cool too. It had a whole bunch of super amazing murals. Apparently it is famous for the murals and the seafood. Speaking of seafood, I ATE JELLY FISH. It was pretty indistinguishable from the other mysterious blobby seafood so it wasn't bad! I drew the line, however, at the weird pink things that I am sure were still moving. Pictures to follow.

When we came back it was around 8 20 and to my surprise I saw a whole bunch of trick or treaters! They looked super cute, with very standard costumes (devils, grim reapers, etc) and little pumpkin candy collectors. When they saw me I was essentially swarmed by TRICKORTREATGIVEMECANDY. I finally managed to explain through the dinthat I had none, and then a bunch insisted on giving me some instead! Can you say 'this would never happen back home"? Cause really.. never.

Also the mystery box was still awesome today, as was my Halloween mask. It'll be a bummer going back to teaching lessons after such a fun class!!

These tree supports are common here and always make me
think of walking tree people

such a Korean octopus!

Possibly the coolest mural in the world.

Jelly fish!

Mysterious pink "seafood" that was still moving (right),
abalone (top) which I actually tried, and sea squirt (behind
the sauce). The abalone was way harder than I expected. It
was alright.. definitely not something I'd ever pay for.

Happy Halloweeeeeeeeen!

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