Friday, October 12, 2012

Sports Day!

What an awesome day. Today was Sports Day, which consists of the entire school competing in various sports (mostly racing but some neat relay activities too). All students race in little groups with the first 4 earning their team (blue or white) points. While these are happening, the other students either watch or do other competitions like tug of war, or just crazier team racing thingies. One of the races involved grabbing people from the audience and running with them. Not being able to understand anything made the day particularly hilarious. Later, the top runners from all grades participate in one final mega relay race and a team is declared the winner. 

Because the internet lasts forever, I won't post any pictures where you can identify the children.. but when you see me next you can ask for the closer and better shots ;)

The day starts with a mega warm up of all the students.

The warm up is done to a military style musical recording.
Apparently they tried to phase it out at one point, but
everyone knows it so it stuck. It's funny.

Living in Korea, you get used to
randomly smelling something
AWFUL. Usually the smell
passes quickly. However, today
there was a persistent nasty smell
and to my horror/amazement,
it was these bad boys cooking
up. In the words of my students
"Delicious. Butterfly baby!"

Bebes running. Too cute.


While walking around, all my students were beyond adorable. Firstly, they absolutely ADORED my sunglasses. I bought some fake Ray Ban wayfarers in Seoul.. so pretty much the most unimaginative and standard sunglasses ever. However they were freaking out. I could see them talking about them from afar and when I'd get closes they would simply say "Teacher! Sunglasses!!" One group of girls even borrowed them to try them on and proceeded to make Psy poses. It was adorable. They also called me beautiful, which they haven't done in a while. I would answer "You are beautiful!" and then they would all giggle and blush. Cuties.

Secondly, some gave me treats. One boy gave me a stawberry Pocky, a delicious cookie stick thingy I used to eat, and then some girls gave me hickory sticks and gum. HOWEVER I was then offered this tasty treat:

They begged and begged and begged. "Teacher! Try! One! So delicious! So delicious!" My policy has been to try everything that I can while over here...

I think you can guess the end of this story. 

Yuck. They were cute though and after laughing at my reaction, they asked if I was ok and two girls even offered to get me water. The boy eating them offered to give me another larva haha. I declined this time.

The grade 1 students also put on the cutest dance show I've ever seen. They dressed in traditional clothes and did a traditional dance. The story is of a man and woman where the man is trying to get with her but she's having none of it. So amazingly cute. Apparently there are more boys than girls though so there were a few awkward boy on boy couples haha. Also the girls look like adorable bells in the hanbok.

Screaming spectators of the final race.

After the day was over and students were cleaning up, they all wanted US flags from that flag streamer thing. One boy (the one who gave me a Pocky stick AND was super fast in the race) was sad when he didn't find one. So I told him to take a Canadian one, and he did! Then whenever I saw him after he'd wave it at me and say Canada! Ahh they're too cute. He also showed me the Japan flag and said "Teacher, BAD!" Haha gotta love em.

Finally the day ended with my coteachers feeding me to point of explosion, then giving me a beautiful Sports Day towel, and then sending me home early.

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