Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sarcasm Win

Random shy kid had finished her work, so I told her "excellent!"

Then a boy, one of my favourites because despite being a huge guy he is a total sweetheart, overheard and said "I'm finished too! I'm excellent!"

I jokingly said "No, you are not excellent."

"Teacher?! why?!"

Of course I smiled and said "I'm joking!"

He thought it was SO funny. "Teacher!! Your face!! So real!!! I am so scared!!" I was amused and glad he was too.

Also I got TWO letters this week! One was given to me by a girl in class and she said "In class, no read. At lunch, read. OK?" Got it Ann student! (She's awesome because 1. great taste in English names, and 2. unabashedly wears glasses frames with no lenses in them and allows me to poke her through them)

The other was officially in my mailbox. Yay. Funny how when I first made my mailbox I couldn't possibly have posted all the letters I got, but it has died down so much now that each letter gets me blogging! It's ok, the novelty is gone for them, but not for me!

Oh another amusing story. Some girls were playing with makeup in one class (oh puberty) and I mentioned how one girl's lips were very pink. She told me it was a "tin-teu" and was SO impressed I knew the word. Her mind was then blown when I told her that "tint" was actually an English word. Even further blew her mind by saying that we had lip tints in Canada as well!

Some random shots:

Finally got a night photo at Anapji woo!

Where I get my nails done!

Oddly, trees here are totally massacred
in the fall. I have no idea why.
I think it's done in narrow roads
to prevent falling branches?
It's horribly ugly.

My cookie puddle. I need to work on my baking it seems.

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