Wednesday, November 6, 2013

EPIK Andong Cultural Trip

Last week, EPIK (public school) teachers who were in their second or higher year were invited to go on a Cultural Excursion. This basically means two days without teaching, and a paid trip! We went to Andong, a city famed for its mask festival, and Yeongju, a city... that is Gyeongju without a G?

The weather could not have been more perfect. Gorgeous clear blue skies over vivid autumn. Andong and Yeongju are a bit farther North than I am likely to travel to alone, so I was thrilled to be taken there.

We saw a few museums, traditional villages, and monuments. My favourite part was on the second day when we went to Boseoksa Temple. This temple was located up a nice hike which included a path absolutely surrounded by brightly coloured trees. At the top, we were rewarded not only with a stunning temple, but amazing views of the surrounding area. And, oddly, a lot of lady bugs.

In some ways the trip was a little odd. It's hard to be back in a huge group and feel very much like a child/student/camper. A lot of people complained of "being treated like children," but of course they failed to realized that they, we, were acting as such. I think I'm just not the best with massive groups, but this isn't self reflection hour now is it?

The main difficultly for me, however, was being surrounded by so many English speakers. My specialness that I've grown so used to was instantly gone. Worse, I was able to understand everything. It was too much. The majority of conversations I overheard were uninteresting, but I couldn't turn my brain off! I felt like a character in a sci fi where they suddenly inherit brain reading capabilities and go insane from the cacophony! I am extremely nervous for my return to the Western world.

Oh also - sleeping on the floor. Traditional Korean style... It's very unpleasant. I think of myself as fairly bendy, but I wasn't sure I would survive the freezing-turned-boiling night on the floor.

Despite these misgivings, it was absolutely lovely. The days were sunny and the views spectacular - not to mention it gave me a three day week!

We had cultural activities in the evening. My class was called "Korean Bow." It was a mystery as to weather this meant bowing, or archery. The mystery lasted until we saw the targets! While I missed every shot, the photo certainly turned out well!!

We slept in this "traditional Korean village." It was
gorgeous, but very chilly in the evening as there
was no lobby type room. 

Funny enough to have a sign happily allowing pictures,
but "Photography permittled" was just icing
on the amusing cake

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