Saturday, July 13, 2013

Lotus Blossoms and Gourd Tunnel

Yesterday I biked downtown with my friend, Samantha, to go see the lotus blossoms. While I have been eating their roots for months now (delicious), I've never actually seen a real lotus flower. We both dressed in our most extreme heat appropriate clothes, slapped on some sunscreen, and ventured out into the extreme humidity for an adventure.

 First, on our way down, we passed some vine covered tunnels. I had seen the scaffolding of the tunnels in winter, and had assume they would plant flowering vines on them. But I was wrong! They planted amazing gourd vines! Photos really don't do these tunnels justice. I absolutely felt like I was on another planet. It was particularly amazing how these massive gourds were so strongly held up. I could hit them and swing them and they didn't fall. I even saw some little gourds that back home we use as decorations. It was totally awesome.

Magical gourd tunnel!

Anne and gourds

"I love you"

Decorative gourds!

Exterior view of the gourd tunnels.
Next, we continued on our way to the blossoms. Suddenly, we had to get off our bikes because a large group of women seemed to be having a picnic in the middle of the sidewalk. As we passed by, I peeked over to see what they were up to. They saw me and began frantically inviting me to sit! So Samantha and I saw, and these lovely ladies fed us lotus tea! The tea was a steeped blossom, which they poured into big lotus leaves, and then we drank through lotus stem straws. It was unbelievable. We comminucated a big through our tiny bit of Korean, and their limited English. They insisted on giving us cookies too. I even managed to spill a bunch of tea on myself and was instantly given a bunch of towels. Luckily, I was so insanely sweaty that dropping tea on myself didn't really make any difference to how wet I was.

The woman smiling behind me is a perfect example
of the amazing hospitality of Korea. 

Behind us you can see some Korean pedestrians also
being given lovely tea. Note the snazzy parasol.

Thank you ladies!

Next we walked through the lotus garden. Amazingly beautiful. I have been waiting to see them since I got here!

I'd love to learn about the biology of these crazy
water plants. Look how alien that stamen is! 

Not a lotus, but look how neat this flower looks
when closed?

Same flower as above. What is it, mom?

Amusingly decrepit bathroom. Two men and
one woman? What kind of crazy design
is that!

I tried to take a picture with my hand to show how
huge the leaves were. 

I don't think Buddhism could have picked
a more beautiful symbol.

I think this is the money shot. Gorgeous.

Teenage ducks hiding as we walked by.

This photo truly encaptures all that is Korea.
Mountains + historical buildings + hilarious cute-ness.

Finally, on our way back I took this set of pictures. I still find it interesting seeing relics of Korea's impoverished past mixed with their prosperous present. The photos are of two adjacent buildings.

All in all, it was an excellent day and a lovely impromptu adventure. I can't express how insanely sweaty and hot we were, but with the right mindset and knowing we were going home to showers, that isn't too bad. 

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