Friday, December 7, 2012

Talent show and snow

 Thursday of this week was my school's talent show. This meant that each class did a series of performances within their classroom and their parents came to watch. I spent the day trying to go to as many classes as I could to see my kiddos. It was amazing! I saw taekwondo, instrument playing, singing, and dancing! There were also like spoken things, like plays or jokes, but I usually left for those because they were obviously in Korean. Each class was so excited when they saw me. I considered not even bothering to visit stupid 6-4, but decided that was just perpetuating their dislike of me. (Speaking of 6-4, while other classes sang, clapped, or even danced for my bday, this was the 6-4 interaction. "Teacher. Sunday, your birthday?" "Yes it was!" "Ok." Gee thanks haha) . I was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by happy waves just like in the other classes! Anyways, as I've said I'm hesitant to post photos of children where they are obviously identifiable, so here are a few awkward shots. I have some adorable pictures and videos though for anyone wanting to see!!

My grade 3's were so adorable they like swarmed and hugged me after they were done. I was also super endeared by the parents. Much like their children, they loved giving me food and I was given cookies, oranges, coffee, and vitamin water. I did my very best to bow and smile at all of them, and I think I made a good impression. It was lovely seeing eveyrone so happy and proud. One class, one of my favourite grade 6's, didn't have any parents in their room, so I stayed there for the longest. Anyways, I really am unable to capture the happy feeling of the day in words or pictures, but here are a few. I am SO BUMMED that my kids are all changing after this semester. Grade 6 will be graduating and leaving me, grade 3's will move on to grade 4, and I'll have a whole new grade 5. Eek!

Grade 3 art

This awesome girl gave me a bday
present and card. 

Grade 5's playing traditional
Korean drums.

They are so into knitting here. And cat's cradle.

Grade 6 boys dancing! These are the ones who danced for me
on my birthday. So adorable. One is really good at English
and likes to chat with me and he was sooooo happy that I
took photos. 

Today was a normal day, but still really fun. I have one slightly crazy class, but crazy just due to energy being high not due to any meanness. The rest of my classes were soo good they would even ask me like "is it time to sit down?" and chat with me before the class. It was just a lovely day, I think the good mood from yesterday was still among them. Anyways, during one class as we are happily playing a game, a kid notices the window and shouts (I can easily assume) "IT'S SNOWING" in Korea. These kids. Went. CRAZY.
I have never seen anything like it. They RAN to the window, scrambling over each other and desks, screaming, opening windows, basically just FREAKING OUT. It was amazing. Apparently snow in December is very rare here. Anyways it was very jolly. 

The day was made even better when I got a Christmas package from my parents after getting another from my aunt yesterday! So much package love. Today there were kids in the room when I opened it and they were soo amazed by the elaborate card and ornaments. I even tested them to see if they could read my dad's handwriting, and was very impressed that together they could! It was so so so jolly.

As for today's mail, I only got 2 letters. Both from grade 5, one from that girl who writes me awesome letters. Today hers ended with "my hand hurts because I wrote such a long letter" haha. Such a sweetheart. I'm glad she'll be around next year still!



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