Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Today was GOOD

Firstly I realized that the class that didn't go well last week was totally not my fault.. it's just the class. I did the exact same lesson for them and 2 other classes today and it was like night and day. I'm determined to get these kids a little more participant, but at least now I know it's them and not me.

All my other classes went great! I played a game that (except for the cranky class) had every student say at least one English word, which is exciting seeing as some normally just cower in terror.

Then at lunch, two little girls came up to me with a bunch of questions :What is  your name? Are you from England? Is Canada beautiful? What is your cat's name? (Funny that they remembered I have a cat but not my name, or that I am Canadian haha) They then told me that my nose was pointy. I wasn't sure how to take this, but they said it's a good thing. Now that I've had my nose complimented upon, I pretty much can die happy.

Anyways, I offered to show them my photo album (thanks Gaby!) and they loved Gizmo. "Gize-mo is cute! So cute!" I told them she sleeps with me and they were squealing with jealously.  Gizemo is world renown!

Gizmo is gorgeous.

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