Wednesday, March 19, 2014

White Day and some duck

As I've mentioned before, Korea loves all things cute. This has paved the way for a second Valentine's day, because one just isn't cute enough! The tradition here is that on Valentine's day girls give boys chocolates, then one month later, March 17, is White Day (weirdddd name). One White Day (pronounced Hwhite day.. drives me a little ccrazy) boys will give girls candy. I don't know why, but Chupa Chups lollipops seem to be the candy of choice, with giant stands appearing in the grocery store around this time. Luckily for me, all candy exchanging holidays translate to adorable presents to teachers! Here's this year's stash. I still have a bunch from last year.. I think I'll have to have a raffle when I leave!! (Also apparently one more month later, April 17, is black day. A day for sad single people to eat black noodles an contemplate their dreary existence. I can't wait!)

My favourite is of course the adorable
little paper message. Awww.

Unrelated, but here's a picture of some duck stuffed in a squash. Quite tasty.

And again, unrelated, but look! I am on a brunch menu and it's vegetarian! I'm sure this is a waitress who probably works there, but I can always pretend my fame has infiltrated Western restaurants.

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