Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Gizmo 1995-2013

A blog of my life would be incomplete if I didn't include the bad along with the good. One of my only fears leaving for Korea was that my sweet baby kitty wouldn't be there when I came home. Sadly, this fear was realized. Luckily, she had the loving presence of my mom with her.

Gizmo you are forever the greatest cat ever to grace this Earth. I'm so sorry I wasn't there with you in the end. See you on the other side.

Giz even came to my going away dinner.
I love her so much.
The last night before I came to Korea, I went to my friend's house after dinner for a little goodbye. When I came home, maybe around midnight, I couldn't find my cuddle buddy. I worried she had fallen asleep somewhere in the house and we wouldn't be able to say goodbye. I brushed my teeth sadly,  but to my elation when I walked back to my room there she was. She was sitting at my door waiting for me looking up expectantly. She ran to join me when I got into bed. I don't think she knew I was leaving, but I hope she knew how much I loved her.

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