Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tokyo Part 2

Ok continuing with Japan!

The evening after Harajuku, we had some official Japanese Ramen. It was unbelievably good.

So so so so so so so so so good.

This tiny parmesan is about $6.00

What to do with this crazy exotic fruit!

Day 3: Park and Electric City

Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of the park we went to. I do remember it was near the fish market though. It was recommended to us by our hostel because it had a tea house where we could have matcha tea. It was a lovely, extremely peaceful escape from the city. Interestingly, the fish in the water were going INSANE. They were jumping everywhere, some clearing the water by a foot! The only conclusion we could make was they must be mating. It was super neat... and impossible to capture on camera.

The little cakes were "confectionary" to be eaten
before the tea (we were given strict instructions).
They tasted like extremely sweet egg candies,
which sounds gross but wasn't bad.
Because of the cloying sweetness, the bitterness
of the following matcha was lovely and
appreciated. Good job Japanese!

And the Tea House


Heron! For folks back home, no this is not a
Great Blue. I checked and they don't live in Asia.

Old times duck hunting methods.

Current times duck.

My crowning photography achievement!

And people in traditional clothes!

Next we went to an area called "Electric City." It had, you guessed it, lots of electronics. It was very neat. Unfortunately for us (and all women of the world), women were banned from what I imagine to be the most interesting floors in some adult stores. I can only imagine what electronics we were missing.

I'm on tv!

Really realistic looking keychains!

Despite being rejected from floors 3 and 4, we did find we wanted a little wholesome time after that last store. So we found an adorable "honey" cafe, and had honey lattes. They were delicious and the baked goods were adorable. We finished our day with some rotation sushi, which was delicious. We were surprised by one very red sushi. Luckily, Adri asked what it was because it turns out it was horse! We did not try it.

We were back home in Korea by Saturday evening, with a whole day to relax before school on Monday. It was a wonderful, relaxing and successful trip!

Honey cafe, so cute.

Neat messages of happiness or peace or some such
positive things at a temple.

Some monks did try and swindle us for some money,
but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.


Horse sushi!?

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