Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Goodbye teachers

The kids aren't the only amazing people I work with. I have been so lucky to work with a super friendly, encouraging and inclusive group of co-teachers. It was very sad saying goodbye to them as well! We went for a final lunch and they were extremely kind and got me a present! I am so grateful to them as they've all helped me so much throughout my stay in Korea.

For lunch I actually got to try something new, which is always super exciting! We had a dish called 물회 aka Mul Hoe. This literally translates to "water sashimi." It was actually super tasty and very refreshing on the hot day. I couldn't find it online so here you go other people looking to find out about it! It consists of raw fish, in this case flatfish though I hear it varies, veggies like radish, and a ton of delicious Asian pear. This then had yummy spicy red sauce added, then we add ice and rice. It becomes a cool mushy yumminess. I enjoyed it very much! I was less a fan of the giant snails we had for appetizer but they weren't bad when dipped in sauce. 

Thank you Yurim teachers! You are all amazing, and it's been an honour teaching with you!

Mul hoe before adding ice.

Mixed up and ice added.

Squid side dish. I love squid, but this had a weird filling
I wasn't a fan of.

All finished!

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